Swan Life

Leucistic mute swans (swans missing their normal pigments) are quite rare in the UK. This youngster is enjoying having a splash about after having a flying session with its parents and eight siblings.
About Swanlife
This website has been created for those people who have an interest in mute swans, roe deer and wildlife in general.
Here you can find a section information containing general information on mute swans, as well as view images of swans and roe deer. You can also order copies of the books Swan Life and Raising Sky; A Roe Deer's Year, or buy a beautiful photograph to complement your home or office.
Photos of a swan family's life
About Mark Nicolaides
I have maintained an active interest in wildlife for over forty years, and for more than twenty of those years, it has been a privilege to work as a school teacher and educate young people about the workings of the natural world. In 2014, it was an honour to be invited by the Institute of Physics to attend their award ceremony in London, where I received an award for the outstanding achievements of my advanced level students, many of whom have gone on to carry out their own scientific research.
When it comes to nature and photography, I have a particular interest in the wildlife found in the British Isles. Recent work has focussed on the day-to-day behaviour and life cycle of mute swans, as well as the roe deer.
Seeing nature in all its forms, plays an important part in us being able to appreciate the significance and beauty, of our native plants and animals. By sharing our work, we can bring enjoyment to ourselves and others, whilst at the same time, hopefully showing that nature has a place in this busy world alongside us.
It was a pleasure to write Swan Life and Raising Sky; A Roe Deer's Year. Both books are based on observations made in the field, and are designed give you, the reader, a real understanding of the hidden day-to-day life of two of the most widespread animals in the UK.
Many thanks for your interest, and I hope you enjoy looking around this website.
All the very best,

If you would like to contact me, you can do so using the following e-mail addess.