Swan Life

"Swan Life... A Heart Warming Story That Will Change The Way You See These Birds, Forever"
Swan Life tells of the many trials and tribulations experienced by a pair of mute swans as they struggle to raise a family on Dorset's River Stour.
If you have an interest in the natural world, watch nature documentaries or enjoy reading about wildlife, then Swan Life is for you.
But this is a wildlife book like no other. This book describes the heart-warming story of a pair of mute swans and their clutch of six cygnets, on an idyllic stretch of lowland river. It is the true story of how they raised their youngsters, so they could eventually fly-off to start their own adult lives.

From a time before the cygnets hatched, I spent hundreds of hours with the birds and, by gaining the trust of the adults, I gained an insight into a swan's life, like never before.
As you read every page of this book, you will be taken on an intimate journey into the world of the swan.
Feeling as though you're right there with the birds, experience the intrepidation of the cygnets' first swim, the agony as another swan tries to kill one of the youngsters, the somber scene of the mother burying one of her own dead cygnets, the youngsters' celebrations as they take their first steps towards flight and the feeling of wistfulness, as their youngsters finally leave the safety of their parents, to start their own life adventure.
Above all though, it's a poignant story of a parent's love, devotion and sacrifice. Bringing up a group of lively baby swans, inevitably took its toll on the adults. You will discover the different roles taken by each parent, and how, when one of them was unable to carry out their duties, they adapted their routines for the sake of their offspring. Through their behaviour, and the incredible individual care given to their cygnets, you will come to recognise the very human-like relationships that developed within the family.
Condensed into just over one hundred pages, and using only words, I have taken six months of swan family life and written a book that will give you a brand new insight into the life of these birds.
Swan Life not an e-book. It's a real, physical book, that you can hold in your hands — lovingly written and published right here in the UK. Each copy has been individually numbered and signed, so every book is unique.
Price: United Kingdom £9.99, plus £3 p&p.
Europe and Worldwide £9.99, plus £10 p&p.
Note on p&p: Even though the p&p prices are high (especially the Europe and Worldwide option, which seem excessive), they are still less than the amount it actually costs to send the book - I apologise, there's nothing much I can do about those costs.